Pylon Solar Design launches Solar Proposals in Spanish
Pylon Solar Design is proud to launch Solar Proposals in Spanish to help solar businesses sell into Spanish-speaking markets.
Pylon is designed to help solar installers design a solar quote in 2 minutes, complete with 3D Solar Shading Analysis, High-Resolution Imagery, Load Profiles, Financial Projections, and eSignatures. Quote are in English by default, but customers can also send quotes in Spanish.
Pylon Solar Design Software is easy-to-use, comes with No Monthly Fees, and No Contract.
Best Features Proposals are rich, interactive and can be sent via Web and PDF.
Interactive Battery Diagrams Pylon interactive battery diagrams show customers how their batteries will perform throughout the day. Customers can switch between different times to visualise energy flow.
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eSignature on Proposal Pylon is one of the only solar design software that offer eSignatures on solar proposals. Allow a customer to sign the contract while they are viewing the quote and close more solar sales.
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Financial Projections Financial projections for your solar system show customers what their Return on Investment is. Pylon automatically calculates this based on energy production, energy usage, cost of current bills, and cost of installing the system.
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$0 Monthly Fees Pylon Solar Design lets you generate solar proposals in Spanish in under 2 minutes. $0 Monthly Fees. No Contract.
Pylon Solar Design is Available in the USA Solar installers in the USA who have Spanish-speaking solar customers will find this feature invaluable for connecting with their customers and closing more solar sales.
Try Pylon Solar Design for Free Try Pylon Solar Design with solar proposals in English and Spanish for free, no credit card required, or get a demo. Pay only $4 per project and get unlimited users, high resolution imagery, compelling proposals, and a component database that’s updated every week.