October 2024 Update

Mix & Match Batteries
Our new update allows you to build the exact battery solution for your customers. This is especially useful for scalable battery solutions that allow you to mix differently sized battery units.
For example: Matching a 5kWh unit with an 8kWh unit to achieve 13kWh.
PRCs for NSW, Australia
Project Designs with batteries in NSW, Australia will now automatically include PRCs for BESS1 (Battery Installation) when adding a battery.
BESS2 (VPP Participation) PRCs can also be activated by enabling the VPP toggle.
Line Item Multipliers
Line-items now have multipliers. Accurately and easily calculate pricing of your designs regardless of its complexity.
MCS Structural Report for the UK
We now run Roof Structural calculations for Trussed and Rafter roof types. As well as Wind and Snow load calculations.
To streamline your process, Pylon is also automatically filling out the:
- site altitude
- wind zone
- distance from sea
- snow region
Corresponding Roof Report pages will be automatically included in your Proposal.
Other Improvements
- Added sorting to Projects Library List by last updated at and created at
- CEC Accredited Installer sticker has been removed (SAA has replaced this)
- CEC Accredited Designer sticker has been removed (SAA has replaced this)