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Solar CRM Feature

Get more solar leads

Increase solar lead flow into Pylon CRM from multiple sources and mark them up with rich data.

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pylon solar design and crm software deal pipeline

Fill your solar sales pipeline from multiple sources

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Use Zapier to integrate Pylon Solar CRM with 1500+ apps

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Import leads directly from Google Ads into Pylon Solar CRM

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Import leads directly from Facebook Ads into Pylon Solar CRM

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Import leads directly from SolarChoice into Pylon Solar CRM using our integration

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Import leads directly from SolarQuotes into Pylon Solar CRM using our integration

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Mark up solar leads with rich data

Mark up your solar leads with data like tags, notes, and lead sources. Organise lead data and improve tracking across your solar business.

Jetzt anfangen
lead markup
“Pylon ist weitaus besser als der Rest – es ist sofort einsatzbereit, benutzerfreundlich, erstaunlich für Solarenergie und ein hervorragendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Legenden!”
— Paul Thistleton – Verkaufsleiter von Green Solar
paul thistleton - solar crm testimonial

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